Sample Letter


James Appleton
Assistant Director (Planning Services)                                                                                Your address
Portland House
Richmond Road


Dear Sir.

WB/05/0245/OUT Tesco Stores Ltd.

Please accept this letter as my formal objection to the above application.

Amongst my reasons for objecting are the following:

1. The size of the store will attract extra traffic into a residential area already suffering from too much traffic.

2. The store will be built in a Greenfield location. This location forms part of an area of high conservation value

3. The area is prone to flooding and should remain undeveloped and left to act as a natural soak-away.

4. The area is of high cultural history importance being the possible site of a Roman Villa and the most likely area for the Roman settlement and road.

5. The development is in conflict with Government objectives of reducing road traffic as required by the Traffic Reduction Act. Even at present levels, traffic is giving residents in Durrington grief; any further increase is completely out of the question.

I should be grateful for an acknowledgement of my objection, together with an objector’s reference number.

Yours sincerely